Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Chichester Swim School is a trading name of CSS Activities Ltd.

By booking or attending swimming lessons with Chichester Swim School (CSS) you understand and accept these terms and conditions and they will form the contract between us. CSS reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time.

COVID-19 specific:

During the pandemic, we have implemented extra specific terms and conditions to ensure the safety of our clients and team and to prolong a safe and efficient environment around the pool.

  • If the swimmer, or a member of your household, has, or have, any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, they are not to enter the swimming facility or attend swimming lessons.
  •  Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms such as:
  • A new continuous cough
  •  A high temperature
  •  A loss of, change to sense of smell or taste
  • A runny nose or cold symptoms
  •  Aches and pains associated with the flu

are advised to stay at home and self-isolate in line with government guidelines. If any staff, swimmers or spectators arrive with any of the above symptoms, entry will be refused. There will be no refunds available.

  • If you have any of the above symptoms on entry, with your permission we will pass on your name, contact number and symptoms to the NHS Test and Trace Service.
  • All spectators must sign in before lessons. All data will be kept on record in line with latest GDPR legislation.
  • There will be a strict one-way system on site, with clearly marked instructions and a specific COVID officer available at all times for further support. Videos will be made public explaining how poolside will work.
  • Swimmers may only bring 1 spectator with them. If childcare is an issue, siblings may sit with said spectator, but we encourage other forms of childcare where possible to limit the amount of people on site at any one time.
  • All people onsite must maintain a distance of 2 metres from others.
  • 30 minute lessons are running at 25 minutes, and 45 minute lessons at 40 minutes to enable our team to clean down between sessions.
  • Swimmers must arrive ready to swim as changing rooms will not be available before lessons. Please also encourage your swimmer to use the toilet before arriving at the pool, however toilets will be available if needed. If you would like to use the changing rooms after your swimming lesson, these must be booked in advance at a cost of £1 per swimmer, per use. This will be separate to your lesson booking and invoice.
  • If your account is in credit, the amount will be used against new bookings. This won’t be clearly detailed, so for up-to-date information on your credit, please email Charlie directly.
  • Hands must be washed regularly in line with government guidelines, particularly after using the toilet and after touching communal points, such as door handles.
  • Masks must be worn by adults whilst on the Oakwood site. You may take your mask off when sitting in the seating area.
  • Water cleanliness is more important than ever. With this in mind, we are asking those comfortable to wear hats in the pool. These will be available for sale on poolside or in advance of your session.
  • Due to a reduced number of swimmers in the pool to comply with social distancing regulations, sessions must run at full capacity to be financially viable. We will send confirmation after payment has been received from all class participants.


  • When first signing up with CSS, personal details will be taken via Class4kids. Please be assured all data gathered will be kept in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016.
  • CSS runs throughout the year in termly/half termly blocks in accordance with our published term dates. All term dates and details are available on our website, Facebook and poolside. (Crash course lessons run in the Easter and Summer Holidays and can be booked on a more ad-hoc basis.)
  • Once enrolled you are booked in to lessons for the full term stated.
  • Swimmers may start at any point in the term and will be booked on to the remainder of the term.
  • When signing up to CSS for the first time, details of the courses you are booked onto, the dates and times during the first term and the venue will have been agreed with you in advance, either via a member of staff or via the Class4kids booking app.
  • Payment must be received up front in order to confirm spaces.
  • Lessons are non-transferable and non-refundable.
  • Non-attended lessons are forfeited and are non-refundable.


  • Priority of spaces will be given to current swimmers, including siblings who are not currently swimming with us. Please ensure you follow the terms below to ensure your spaces are secured:
  • Re-enrolment emails will be sent out 2-4 weeks before the end of term. These emails will include all details including term dates, invoice and termly information.
  • To confirm your space, please notify CSS before the confirmation deadline.
  • Payment is due in advance before the payment deadline stated on your invoice. For payment plan options, please contact CSS directly. Payment can be made by BACS (preferred method), Cheque or Cash.
  • If CSS does not hear from you before the confirmation deadline, your space will not be reserved.
  • Please notify CSS if you are not continuing with us before the confirmation deadline.
  • Requests for changes of days and times will be dealt with following receipt of payment.

New Customers Refunds and Cancellation Policy:

As a new CSS swimmer you may cancel your contract within 7 days of the first lesson and receive a refund for lessons unused. If you choose to stay enrolled on the course after the first lesson, there will be no refunds or cancellations and you will be committed until the end of the term.

Pool Facilities and Closure:

  • CSS may hire various private leisure facilities and therefore is not fully responsible for the maintenance or cleaning of the swimming pool facilities.
  • On the rare occasion that lessons are cancelled due to technical problems or bad weather, CSS will offer a catch up session on the same day and time slot at the end of the current term. If catch-up sessions are not possible because of time restraints/company restrictions, any sessions cancelled by CSS will be taken off the next term’s invoice.
  • Monetary refunds will not be issued for any sessions cancelled by CSS.
  • If sessions are cancelled, parents will be notified by email, text and Facebook unless time restraints dictate this is not possible.

Teaching staff:

  • All teachers are DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) enhanced checked and have a nationally recognised swimming teaching and lifesaving qualification.
  • CSS staff are encouraged to maintain continual professional development and are offered regular in-house training and discounted external training to ensure we continue to offer the best service possible.
  • CSS is a Swim Teachers Association (STA) registered swimming school and all staff are issued with a staff uniform for them to wear in or out of the water. We are part of the STA Mark Swim School program, ensuring we are always compliant with the latest legislation as well as delivering high quality lessons.
  • CSS ensures children feel safe and comfortable in lessons and therefore physical contact is often unavoidable. All staff adhere to STA Child Protection Procedures. If you ever expect or experience any concerns surrounding child safety, please contact Charlie Tarrant, the CSS Safeguarding Officer directly.


  • Parents and carers are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of their children before the start time and immediately after their swimming lessons.
  • Parents/carers must also ensure that siblings and/or their friends refrain from playing on any equipment owned by CSS and/or playing/entering on/in other parts of the school grounds/buildings, adhering to poolside and on-site rules at all times.
  • CSS does not hold responsibility for the loss or theft of any personal items left in the swimming pool facility or in the swimming school grounds.
  • If Fathers/male carers are accompanying females under the age of 8 years, they are requested to use the male changing rooms. If Mothers/female carers are accompanying males under the age of 8 years, they are requested to use the female changing rooms. Children over 8 years old should be changing independently and parents are therefore requested to wait outside the changing rooms.
  • Parents/carers should ensure that their child/children are taken to the poolside in good time to start their lesson, but should not enter poolside until 5 minutes before their allocated lesson time to avoid overcrowding on poolside.
  • At the end of the lesson parents/carers should collect their child/children from the poolside and return them to the changing area.
  • CSS is responsible for children once they come onto the poolside within the allocated lesson time, however parents will be responsible for children outside of the pool area during lessons, i.e. if the swimmer uses the toilet.
  • CSS teachers should not be distracted at any time during the course of the lesson as this is a health and safety issue and also prevents teachers from commencing their next lesson. In this regard, queries should be directed to Charlie Tarrant via email, in person or by phone.

Medical Conditions and Individual Educational Needs:

  • Parents/Carers must notify CSS about any known medical condition/s that will affect the safety of a swimmer booked onto CSS lessons.
  • Parents/Carers must notify CSS about any known Individual Educational Needs difficulties and if a swimmer has an EHCP to help CSS ensure they can provide an inclusive, positive and appropriate environment for the swimmer.
  • New medical conditions or Individual Educational Needs occurring once a swimmer has joined CSS lessons must be notified immediately to the CSS team.

Changes to Terms and Conditions:

From time to time we may update these terms and conditions by sending you either an updated version or notification of minor changes. Any questions surrounding changes must be communicated within 7 days of your receipt. Failing this, we will be entitled to treat our agreement with you as being subject to the updated version.

These terms and conditions are available on our website and on poolside. Please contact CSS to request emailed copies of CSS Policies. For paper copies, an admin fee is applicable to cover the costs of paper, printing and postage.

Any diversion from the above terms and conditions are gestures of goodwill on the part of CSS.

These conditions are implemented to:

  1. Ensure a mutual understanding between parents/carers and CSS
  2. The health and well-being of all swimmers
  3. Provide a smooth operation of all CSS lessons.

Thank you for your cooperation.